Anna Geddes

• Shamanic + Reiki Energy Healing • Spiritual Counseling • Tarot ‘Soul’ Readings


SOUL MEDICINE: Reclaim Your Magic

Throughout our lives we face many obstacles, some big, some small. If you’re feeling burned out, stuck, struggling with work stresses, relationships, challenging or traumatic events, sadness, self-doubt, or pain from injury, loss, or illness — I’m here to help. Come as you are.


Using gentle, traditional hands-on healing techniques, intuitive wisdom, and nature-based practices, we'll clear your energy, releasing the energetic blocks and intrusions that get in the way of your emotional happiness and physical well-being.

When your energy is clear and your spirit is flowing, you exist in a natural state of lightness, balance, and spiritual-alignment, all of which attracts inspiration, positivity, healthy relationships, abundance, and opportunity into your life. In this state of ‘flow,’ your body is most able to rest, restore, and heal itself.


We’ll explore the energetic root cause of your struggles, addressing limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, fears, and unhealthy patterns that are preventing you from finding happiness, and reaching your goals.


Our work together will reconnect you with your innate gifts and your inner wisdom, uncovering the TRUE MAGIC inside you that is uniquely YOU. As you step into your truest most powerful self, you will begin to experience life’s obstacles from a completely new perspective, understanding them as opportunities for soul-level growth, and healing. This is deep inner work that can change your life.


Reach out to begin your journey back to YOU. It may be a simple journey of clearing your energy and taking time out to rest, restore, and reset, or it may be a much deeper journey helping you through a Soul-level initiation. Whatever you are experiencing, I am here to support and guide you toward a meaningful solution.

I look forward to working with you!

I started working with Anna to move through blocks in building my coaching business as well as working on body issues, but I gained so much more from the experience. I healed some serious childhood traumas that I wasn’t even aware were impacting me until I worked with Anna. I also expanded my view of what is possible in my world. I discovered how amazing it is to go on a Shamanic journey, especially with someone like Anna. She can guide you through some of the scariest stuff going on inside of you and help you heal. I honestly can’t recommend her enough. I feel lighter and more whole from our work together.
— Shayna Casey, Life Coach, Los Angeles, CA Source

OWL sees in the darkness. He is a symbol of divine wisdom and intuitive knowledge, and appears to dispel illusion, signal transition, and encourage deeper learning.

OWL sees in the darkness. He is a symbol of divine wisdom and intuitive knowledge, and appears to dispel illusion, signal transition, and encourage deeper learning.


Spiritual Healing begins as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being — the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. Through this connection with our spiritual essence…we experience a sense of safety, trust, and fulfillment, a feeling of belonging in the universe.

-Shakti Gawain



Your individually curated Soul Medicine journey is a 8-session Earth wisdom healing package, designed to create significant positive shifts in your life, clearing your energy, releasing outdated conditioning, negative patterns, false ‘selves,’ and limiting beliefs, while restoring and reconnecting you to your inner wisdom, innate gifts, personal power, and your unique brand of SOUL MAGIC, the truest essence of yourself. Sessions include a combination of: Teachings, Shamanic+ Reiki energy healing, spiritual counseling, psychic mediumship, and Tarot.


Using gentle, traditional hands-on healing techniques, intuitive wisdom, and nature-based practices we'll clear your energy, releasing the energetic and emotional blocks that get in the way of your happiness and well-being. When your energy is clear and your spirit is flowing, you exist in a natural state of lightness, balance, and Soul alignment, attracting inspiration, positivity, healthy relationships, and opportunity into your life. In this state of flow your body is most able to rest, restore, and heal itself.


Weekly sessions help you move forward on your emotional and spiritual journey to create the authentic, joy-filled life you desire. This is a safe and compassionate container for exploring your spiritual world, and provides a pathway for self-discovery, personal growth. Tailored to your unique needs, our focus is on applying the holistic principles of shamanism to healing and uncovering the deeply ingrained emotional patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck, confused, and yearning for something more.


You will find these readings deeply healing, and particularly helpful when seeking a more meaningful life path, manifesting goals, and during times of hardship, loss, or change. Using Tarot, shamanic ‘journeying,’ photographs, and personal objects, I work with my spirit guides to address your most pressing questions and concerns, providing healing, clarity and direction. We can explore relationship issues, financial struggles, creative blocks, career change, life purpose, and more.


Our homes and the land where we live are living, energetic beings just like us. If your home feels a bit ‘off’ or you feel ‘heaviness,’ it could be that you’re sensing leftover energy from past events or the people who once lived there. This could be the source of relationship issues, the reason your property won’t sell, or why your business is struggling. Healing your space or home much like I would a person, I will help to create the energetically protected, peaceful sanctuary you desire. Perfect for new homes, when problems arise, or when moving on to a new chapter in your life.

I came to Anna with a mental health issue I had been working on in therapy for over two years. In one session I saw major improvements. I relayed Anna’s insights to my therapist and he agreed they were right on point, which begs the question - why didn’t he get me to the same place any sooner? I think the answer is that Anna’s intuitive power combined with her knowledge of Shamanism, Reiki and Tarot creates a terrific atmosphere for collaborative healing. It is like she has a well-equipped toolbox rather than the somewhat limited approach of therapy. She freely brainstorms possible solutions and does not shy away from the language of spirituality. This alone makes one feel they are not bound by the measured western mind and that there is a whole new world of potential for exploring wellness with Anna as guide.
— Daniel Peddle, Filmmaker and Casting Director, Los Angeles, CA



Shamanic + Reiki healing blends the timeless wisdom of two ancient healing traditions.

• Shamans work in the ‘unseen’ realms, intuitively tapping into nature’s powerful spiritual energies to offer healing and wisdom;

• Reiki practitioners channel ‘universal life force’ energy, from source, through their hands and into the body to restore balance and harmony, a bit like acupuncture, but without needles.

Separately, Shamanism and Reiki offer powerful ways to heal, and when combined, the results multiply exponentially.


My work is derived from ancient and traditional healing techniques and practices from around the world, and embraces the holistic belief that there is always a spiritual or ‘energetic’ component to any physical, mental, and emotional imbalance or illness.


  • We are deeply influenced by nature’s cycles and rhythms, as we ARE nature. And the more we reconnect and flow with these natural influences, the more harmonious, joyful, powerful, and balanced our life becomes. Spend as much time in nature as possible.

  • Everything that exists is alive, and has ‘spirit,’ or consciousness.

  • We are all ‘energy,’ and every person, place or thing is ‘energetically’ connected in a multifaceted web of life.

  • Shaman’s see the challenges and struggles in our lives as doorways of opportunity to heal and evolve spiritually. Our greatest obstacles, are our greatest teachers.

  • When you heal yourself, you are also healing those around you, and your environment.

  • The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being exist as one. There is no separation, and we must nurture and tend to all these aspects to truly experience balance, wellness, and harmony in our lives.

  • Shamanic Healers enter a state of ‘non-ordinary reality,’ or spiritual ‘attunement’ to access healing energy and information from the spirit realms.

  • When the spiritual and intuitive energies of Shamanic healing are combined with the traditional Reiki healing practice of channeling ‘life force energy’ through the body, the power of both modalities multiplies exponentially.

  • Energy healing is not limited by the boundaries of time and space, so our work can be done long distance (online), or absentee, from the comfort of your home.

  • Shamans value all beings and forms of life as special, unique, and important. My approach is inclusive and honors and upholds your personal identity, spiritual practice, beliefs, and values.

I am located in the beautiful, natural Hamlet of West Shokan, NY, near Woodstock, and Kingston, Accord, and Stone Ridge, NY, and 2 hrs drive from NYC.

Mobile services available. Travel fees may apply.